Are you thinking about a new logo for your company? Thinking about it, with what color you should join your business? Properly selected color logo can help you to better presentation and communication with customers and vice versa.
If people colors you choose do not associate with your industry, your company may be perceived as less credible.
Colors convey a certain message, allowing for easier perception and understanding of communication communications company logo.
Each color has a specific communication and psychological content. In advertising and corporate communication is also important to consider the specific context of a given product or service, and also to think about the effects of color on the target group of customers.
When designing the logo's color can be derived from the fact that each color has its own characteristics, which people generally agree?
Preference colors are based on a number of surveys of general application, even if the individual preferences of people vary.
Colors not only affect people’s feelings, but also influence the physiological condition of our body. E.g. Warm colors such as red, orange, people generally excite cool colors like blue and green, they are calming manner.
How to choose colors for you logo
People often assign colors these associations:
Red - active, cheerful, lively, bold, irritant
Orange - friendly, clear, positive, optimistic, warm
Yellow - bright, warm, positive, joyful
Blue - confident, peaceful, passive, reserved, serious, cool, quiet
Green - quiet, pleasant, fresh, and natural
Grey - dull, dull, sad
Black - sad, elegant, serious
White - clean, sterile
From how people generally perceive different colors should be based on a color design of your logo. Surely it would be fitting to have a log in kindergarten black or yellow on the contrary, such as a funeral home.
However, these are extreme cases. But the fact is that people are a number of business sectors, companies or products associated with a particular color. In doing so, stereotypes record when assigning colors to each sector of business that corresponding to the above associations.
For example, blue are the people generally associated with distance and sky, but on the other hand also with reliability and respectability. Blue would therefore the logo should give companies such as language schools, travel agencies, and legal or real estate agents. For businesses that want to give the impression of stability is also suitable gray or black color.
Who wants contrary, in front of customers present a lively and dynamic company should use the red. People it is associated with fire, love and joy.
We are offering affordable logo design services and packages feel free to contact Logo Design Buzz.
Some Logo Designs History Examples:
Are you thinking about a new logo for your company? Thinking about it, with what color you should join your business? Properly selected color logo can help you to better presentation and communication with customers and vice versa.
If people colors you choose do not associate with your industry, your company may be perceived as less credible.
Colors convey a certain message, allowing for easier perception and understanding of communication communications company logo.
Each color has a specific communication and psychological content. In advertising and corporate communication is also important to consider the specific context of a given product or service, and also to think about the effects of color on the target group of customers.
When designing the logo's color can be derived from the fact that each color has its own characteristics, which people generally agree?
Preference colors are based on a number of surveys of general application, even if the individual preferences of people vary.
Colors not only affect people’s feelings, but also influence the physiological condition of our body. E.g. Warm colors such as red, orange, people generally excite cool colors like blue and green, they are calming manner.
How to choose colors for you logo
People often assign colors these associations:
Red - active, cheerful, lively, bold, irritant
Orange - friendly, clear, positive, optimistic, warm
Yellow - bright, warm, positive, joyful
Blue - confident, peaceful, passive, reserved, serious, cool, quiet
Green - quiet, pleasant, fresh, and natural
Grey - dull, dull, sad
Black - sad, elegant, serious
White - clean, sterile
From how people generally perceive different colors should be based on a color design of your logo. Surely it would be fitting to have a log in kindergarten black or yellow on the contrary, such as a funeral home.
However, these are extreme cases. But the fact is that people are a number of business sectors, companies or products associated with a particular color. In doing so, stereotypes record when assigning colors to each sector of business that corresponding to the above associations.
For example, blue are the people generally associated with distance and sky, but on the other hand also with reliability and respectability. Blue would therefore the logo should give companies such as language schools, travel agencies, and legal or real estate agents. For businesses that want to give the impression of stability is also suitable gray or black color.
Who wants contrary, in front of customers present a lively and dynamic company should use the red. People it is associated with fire, love and joy.
We are offering affordable logo design services and packages feel free to contact Logo Design Buzz.
Some Logo Designs History Examples:
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